Sunday, May 4, 2008

Laptop Woes

Today is Labor Day in Queensland and I am not exactly sure what we are celebrating, but I was pretty psyched to have a day off from work considering I have two major midterm papers due on Friday. Now unlike the Me of Old, one week prior to the due date, I have actually done all of my research and written 75% of the papers and now was in the tweeking stages.

Then, it happens.


I go to boot up the laptop today and nothing happens. The battery light blinks and bit and not much else. Try another plug, take out & replace battery, nothing. Beads of sweat and nervous tears begin to form. Carefully inspect all connections. Notice that the converter is beeping. This cannot be good. Call Jon in tears.

The good news is the according to Jon the problem is isolated to the power supply being faulty and it's under warranty so it's no dramas to go to OfficeMax and get another one. However, today is a public holiday and the stores are all closed. Bugger.

So, the laptop is holding two papers hostage while time quickly ticks away to my due date. Fingers crossed, this will all end well and the moral of the story: anything important gets backed up on a memory stick!

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