It's been a tumultuous year, but today we celebrate the good time and the bad and all we have been through together to bring us to this day!
Jon told me that today was my day and we would do the things on the Coast that I have been really looking forward to doing together.
We started off our morning at the Eumundi Markets. For you kids back home in NJ, it is kind of like the Englishtown Saturdays with a real hippie vibe. We walked around and looked at handcrafted cheeseboards, soap, skirts, jewelry and it was all absolutely gorgeous.
Jon really got into all of the different food vendors; he had heaps of different kinds of sausages, Lebanese food, crepes, and all sorts of other little tastes. It was a gastronomic day! We were at one of the fruit stalls and he bought a few of these fruits called "custard apples" just because he had never seen anything so odd looking =) It actually turned out to be quite sweet & yummy!
I ended up purchasing an gorgeous hand sewn brown suede wrap skirt and an amber necklace. It was a little freaky when the man who sold us the necklace made me hold it and feel it's energy, but it's a really pretty necklace all the same.
Then we headed off to the Australia Zoo (where Crocs Rule!) Jon was like a kid at the candy store. His favorite part being the really huge crocodiles and the tigers. I liked the wombats best! They are so incredibly cute.I think we are going to adopt the wombat named "Meg" in honor of my sister =) Check it out at: .au/get-involved/adopt-an -animal/
The zoo was absolutely amazing! They tributes to Steve were really sad & quite moving. You couldn't help but get a little choked up. It's amazing the things that he accomplished in his life and how truly loved he was throughout Australia & the entire world.
We caught the crocodile show at the "Crocoseum;" It is amazing the noise that the croc's jaw makes when it snaps shut. It makes your bones shudder! As we were leaving the show, we ran into a woman taking the elephants for a walk. Apparently, all of the animals get "walked" around the zoo for stimulation. It was hysterical to see two wombats waddle by with the same harness on that Bailey (the pug) wears!
Just like Lone Pine, they have a large enclosure where you can feed the kangaroos, but this one was much more crowded, as where the lines for the koalas photos & petting. The day was also much more pricey, but with all of the great education and conservation programs that come out of Zoo, it's easy to justify.
Jon's favorite part of the day was right at the end when we got to see the two largest croc's, Agro & Acco get fed. They spend most of the day hiding in the water, so you can only really get your head around the shear size of these beasts at feeding time when the caretakers coax them out of the water with food for public viewing. Huge does not even come close to describing how big these two boys were; they make American Alligators look like toy poodles!
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