I'm about to set off on the of my greatest Australian odyessy yet: I am going to drive to look at the Surfair apartment all by my lonesome. Just me and a lot of left-hand driving. Now, I wouldn't be so scared, except for the fact that Jonathan, who is way more accustomed to this then I am has pulled a few brilliant driving maneuvers since we have been here, i.e. forgetting where we are and making a right hand turn out of the rental car parking lot into oncoming traffic. There are so many roundabouts and what not, that I am very nervous about it.
Things have been continuing to going well. Jonathan has picked up an extra shift at the hospital tonight, so he will be on-call in the wards until 9:00 tonight. After that, we are going down to Mooloolaba to join some of the interns and house officers at the pub for the weekly Friday night get together. So, it should be a lot of fun.
I am going to look at the Surfair apartment before 2pm & then I have an interview in Maroochydore at a well-known Queensland newspaper publication. After that, since Jon has to work, I plan on taking a drive down the "tourist drive" through the Blackall Range. We can see the Range from our house, but we haven't been up there yet.
Per Mum's suggestion, we have reached out to the Americans in Australia and Americans in Brisbane groups. It's a nice security blanket to have; they have sporadic events & a daily email group to ask "the silly questions" that you have being new over here, but feel like an idiot asking an Aussie.
Also, I found a Knit & Natter group here on the Sunshine Coast that specifically knits for Queensland's Needy. They get together a few evenings a month to knit, have brunch, and just relax & chat.
Alright, time for me to take shelter from the sun ~ would you believe that it is so hot here right now that the metal buttons on my jean capris are so hot that where I have the laptop leaning on them it is burning my skin!
P.S. If you were wondering, the girl I was hoping to get eliminated from Aussie Princess wasn't eliminated ~ they kicked of the doctor girl that Jon & I were both rooting for!
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