Friday, January 11, 2008

Top Gear Takes On Rednecks

Ninety percent of the shows on tele are American, one percent Australian and the BBC rounds out the programming schedule. Jon and I came across a real gem the other night. It's a car show by the BBC and I absolutely loved it.

Yes, lift your jaws off the floor, I loved a car show. No, I still cannot change a tire or check my oil and yes, I only started pumping my own gas last year. (In Jersey, we pump our fists - not our gas.)

So, what was so special about "Top Gear" the automotive show of my dreams....

What happens when you take three Brits - one in a Camaro, one in a pickup truck and one in an Oldsmobile and have them race across Alabama? Not much one would suppose, but the challenge lies in the fact that they each painted anti-redneck slogans on their opponents cars in an effort to win.

What happens is three British gents cack their dacks when the the redneck army stars chasing them with guns.

See for yourself ~

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