The entry below truly explains how fabulous our life has become. But.....
Before you read this, whether you know us or not, please know that without the support of our families, we would not be in this position today. Both of our sets of parents raised us to realize that the world is our oyster and that nothing was beyond our reach. We also each have siblings and "Jaimes" that challenged us to reach for the stars throughout our lives.
In the more recent past, Jon's parent's graciously let us live in their home for what they thought would be 2 months that turned into almost 7 due to DIMIA. Berit and Mike are the type of people that Jonathan and I aspire to be. When we told them that we wanted to move to Australia to pursue a dream, they didn't ask questions ~ they just asked how they could help, even if it meant they had to endure personal sacrifices. They had learned at an early age that there is richness is life when you travel the world and passed that value on to their children. I was an extremely lucky that they accepted me as family and tried to instill these values in me.
Without their support, Jonathan and I could never have achieved all we have in the past few months. Not only the financial and emotional support, but the words of wisdom and guidance. In the time that we lived with them, we endured the visa process/medical board approvals, private hardships, and the duality of parents & children living together in adult life and we still managed to come out loving each other.
Berit & Mike, we do love you more than words can ever express, not only for what you did, but for who you were.
To explain to those of you that don't know them, Jon's Mum sat me down one night before we left and passed these words of wisdom on to me that I feel I should share with any woman who is traveling because of her husband/ boyfriend/partner's work. In a nutshell, she told me to find a niche for yourself; there is a certain loneliness in traveling for someone else's work. The first month or so before your find a job or make friends at work or in general, you will be incredibly lonely. Seek out an expat group in your area, or if you have a hobby find women in your area with a common interest. Women around the world commiserate over the same things: Men universally leave the toilet seat up and underwear on the floor. You will find solace in having someone to understand your frustrations and you will find unyielding support from expats when you have those "stupid questions" that you would never ask a native. I would have drowned in my new surroundings if it were not for Berit's advice.
Jon and I cannot thank his parents enough for the unyielding support they offered us during the initial stages of this adventure. It's nice for both of us to know that we have "Mum & Dad" and "Mom & Daddy" to turn to for advice & support. The numbers are in our favor.
Now, here is what I meant to say today:
Just like "The Jeffersons" we moved up to the east side, only it was the east side of the Sunshine Coast. All I can say is "Wow." I am living in a beautiful apartment (or unit) in a gorgeous resort on a breathtaking beach with a man I love. Jon and I might be the luckiest people in the world.
We both were lying by the pool today and Jon looked over at me, smiled, and said, "Hey, we LIVE here!!!" It is unbelievable that this is our home. We are so lucky and blessed to have found a home with such a great location!
It is a beautiful resort complex with a fabulous restaurant, bar, pool, beach access, day spa, gym, game room, gambling room & beautiful hotel rooms & long-let units. As I write to you now, I am listening to the sound of tropical birds; albeit different birds than in Nambour. (See future entries for pictures). Currently, I am sitting out on our master bedroom balcony, listening to the waves of the Pacific roar like a washing machine and there isn't another person in sight. I am looking out over the ocean and a lagoon style pool that is lit up like Times Square. There is also a children's play pool that I have found is awesome it sit in while reading and sunning/tanning. (We have found, sometimes the old men monopolize the "benches" by the jets in the regular pool. I can only imagine why and every reason I come up with is GROSS!!!
Yesterday, Jon and I walked down to the beach and it started raining. We laughed our butts off because we couldn't decide whether to walk the 100 meters back to our room or stay put. We just both knew we were living in paradise when we didn't see hypodermic needles, tampons, or condoms on the beach like you would at the Jersey Shore.

I will always be a Jersey Girl at heart, but this is far better. White sand that you can filter through you toes. The sea turns from transparent to light blue to aquamarine to deep blue in 200 meters. Shells that we bought in stores on the boardwalk wash up on the beaches in front of my new home. Hell, I have found the hermit crabs that we bought of vacation ever year biting my toes while I run along the beach each morning.
Right now, I can smell the sea from where I write to you tonight on our balcony and it is GLORIOUS!
Today, after the rain, we decided to stay put on the beach and the sun came out and we laid on the beach in front of aquamarine seas and loved life!! You can be chest deep in the ocean and still see your feet!! Such smuggers we are these days!!!
Back to the apartment....(or unit, as they call them in Oz)

When you walk into our apartment, it is an arterial hallway that branches out to two doors: one into the main living area and one into the master bedroom. The entry hallway has our washer/dryer closet and we have ideas for furnishing it as a proper entryway. The main living area has a kitchen area with all stainless steel appliances and a granite counter top with breakfast nook. To the right of the entryway, there is a guest bedroom and ensuite bathroom with a luxurious tub & rainfall shower stall. A small dining area with oak dining room set with purple accents; the living room is a purple microfibre set with birds of paradise accents. At the end of the room, there are floor to ceiling windows with rolling blinds. The balcony has a full wicker & iron dining set that perfectly accent all of the plants we have previously bought with ample storage space for Jon's surfboards.
The second door off the arterial hallway opens into a LARGE master bedroom and ensuite bath. This room also has floor to ceiling sliding glass doors with rolling blinds. The bathroom has a beautiful rainfall shower. It even has a mini-bar. Perfect for guests or in case we get to silly to walk to the kitchen to get another glass of wine! More likely the prior!!
Our first night here, we decided to go downstairs to have dinner at the Gecko Restaurant. It was luxurious to say the least! Jonathan had a duck dish that was delectable and I had lamb that was to die for! We have a high-end restaurant in our "basement." How amazing is that???
The bar downstairs, The ScuBar, is having a raffle. Every Cooper's you purchase, you get a ticket to enter to win a Cooper's Pale Ale surfboard. Needless to say, we've been drinking a lot of beer; As some of you might remember, I'm a Cooper Trooper!!
The next day, once we were settled in somewhat, we went down to the wine cellar downstairs and bought a bottle of champagne to celebrate our new home. We ate dinner (chicken with herbs I grew in our potted garden) on our balcony overlooking the ocean.

I can't rave about where we live enough!!! Mum & Dad, Mom & Daddy, siblings, anyone... you have to come a visit and experience it for yourselves!!! We can't wait to have you here and share in our happiness!!!